A gift that lasts a lifetime...

Foster a child's love of reading during their most critical formative years. Books, wrapped up beautifully and lovingly, conveys the message that they are something to treasure and look forward to. Gifting books encourages a life-long love of reading!

Perhaps start with our 'Foundation Books', curated for early learners.

Early Learner Collection

The first and only Tamil children's bookstore in North America.

Chittukuruvi bookhouse has curated a collection of high-quality and unique Tamil children's books, by working with independent publishers from around the world.

Multimedia collage

Alphabet Books

Foster a child's basic foundation in Tamil through our collection of simple and beautifully... 

Interactive Books

Interactive (ஊடாடு) books help bring stories to life. All of us have... 

Deepen Intergenerational Bonds & Pass Tamil to Next Gen